Hi everyone!
For my first blog post I was able to get the pleasure in interviewing the band Twenty-Two Hundred. I saw these guys play as support for Slash last year and their definitely one of my best support bands I've seen in a while. Read on to learn more about how Twenty-Two Hundred were formed and what their plans are for the future:
How did you guys meet one another?
Drew Alig and I (Mark Wells) have played together in a few bands in Australia. Marcus Kain was a fan of our music, he came to our shows, and he auditioned when we needed a guitarist. Twenty Two Hundred was formed and we opened for Slash in Asia. On that tour we met Tony Cardenas-Montana when he was filling in for Todd Kerns in Slash's band. Tony was on bass and singing back ups for Slash. His voice really stood out to us, and he was a cool guy. Our singer left Twenty Two Hundred after the Slash tour, so we asked Tony if he'd sing on some demos for our planned album. He was so good, we asked him to sing the album and it kind of went from there.
How was the band name created?
Naming a band is one of the hardest parts of being in a band! Our name has no real significance, it's just a name that nobody has had before, and it's the highest number any of us can count to. (haha)
How would you describe the music that your band creates?
Our music is heavy blues rock with lots of groove and lots of dirt.
What are some of the themes and messages that come across in your songs?
Our songs are about lots of different things, life, relationships, stories, humour. We just try to tell a story with each song.
What are your plans for 2015?
It's difficult to say what our plans are for 2015, after the UK Slash tour last year, it's hard to top that. But we're working on it!
Where can people find you on social media?
Main Website: www.twentytwohundred.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/twentytwohundred
Twitter: www.twitter.com/22hundred
YouTube: www.youtube.com/tthofficial
Finally, if there was only one album that you could listen to for the rest of your life which one would you choose and why?
That's a really hard question.... personally I can listen to Abbey Road by the Beatles over and over, or Queen II, but that doesn't even begin to cover it! I just hope I'm never in that situation!
Thank you to Mark Wells of Twenty-Two Hundred for answering my questions. I hope you guys enjoy this bands music and that you've enjoyed this segment of this blog. If you guys have any band suggestions for this or you are in a band that needs more notice then email me at rachelcolley@msn.com and I'll email you some questions to answer! Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!
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