Thursday, 30 July 2015

Sanguine Online Interview

Hey everyone!
Hope you guys are all doing well. Sorry about the lack of activity on here but hopefully it'll pick up. Here's an interview that I got to conduct with the lead singer, Tarin, and the guitarist, Nick. If you like your metal music then stick around to check out the music video. Learn about how the band started, what their plans are for the rest of the year and what music they love. Here are the answers to the questions I sent them: 
How did you guys meet one another?
Tarin: I put an advert out to start a band when I started studying at Exeter university that's how I met Matt. I remember the first time we met he was wearing a baseball cap and looked like Fred Durst! I've known Nick since college so I asked him to join the band as I needed a guitarist, he was already in an awesome band, a really talented song writer and I stole him! Hehe! We met Ross through our best mates he tried out for the band a few years ago, Ross was recommended to us as "probably one of the nicest people you'll meet, and a bloody good bassist!"
Nick: Tarin started Sanguine in Uni but we changed line up until we settled on this one - it's never been better - we're best friends and connect musically
How was the band name created? 
Tarin: we didn't want to invent a word and we didn't want to be named “Flying Death Sh*t” or anything too depressing, that's just not us! Sanguine means two things: to be of an optimistic demeanour, and, the colour of blood. Both things we love. To be 'sanguine' means something, but in the English language it's a underused word.
Nick: We didn't feel like one thing musically so we wanted a name that reflected that. Sanguine has multiple meanings.
How would you describe the music that your band creates? 
Tarin: Eclectic and heavy! We write songs influenced by metal, punk and rock music. People have called us alternative metal but that doesn't always cover what we do on our albums, Black Sheep also features acoustic guitars and strings. We can play coffee shops in the day time and metal gigs at night. We just love music and can't contain ourselves to just playing one style of song.
Nick: Eclectic and heavy at times - we like loads of stuff. A lot of us write, so ideas flow easily. I guess it reflects how we feel at the time - people have more than one emotion so it makes sense to me to have different types of song! I find it hard to stay in one mode, and I think there are too many albums out there that sound like one enormous song! In Sanguine, each song is its own world... then we move the fuck on!
What are some of the themes and messages that come across in your songs? 
Tarin: all sorts of stuff. Whatever inspires us at the time of writing. Sometimes I write a song and ask myself what it's about and it dawns on me that it’s something that has been playing on my mind emotionally, it's like my unconscious mind works out the words before my conscious mind catches up. Other times you get a song that starts with a phrase you set out to talk about. For example Social decay was written to comment on the idea that our society is decaying. It's a rhetoric that has been around for years - the world's going to end, we're all going to die! This is Social Decay. You've heard it all before because our governments want us to stay scared, "do what we say, stay inside, don't think, just conform, don't break these made up rules, just carry on shee-p-eople!"
Nick: The first song we put out is called 'Social Decay' - it's a heavy, rough around the edges sort of song - the video is making a point about social control and propaganda. It's having a poke at the hysteria that surrounds certain topics, in this case weed, but it could be anything. It takes a long time for people to evolve and accept change.
What are your plans for 2015? 
Tarin: big plans are set for 2015. We release our album this October in the UK, Europe and Japan. We've got an amazing crew behind us, thanks to teams at Visible Noise, Odyssey Music and The Leaders! We're setting up plans to tour in each of these's going to be awesome!
Nick: Tour, record, party... We're all best friends so go wherever 'it' goes. We're heading out to Los Angeles and Las Vegas next month. Sanguine's got an exciting year planned
Where can people find you on social media?
Finally, if there was only one album that you could listen to for the rest of your life which one would you choose and why?  
Tarin: not fair...really? 1 album? Wow that's hard. Get back to you on that one!....mmm...Is this the only music you can listen to for the rest of your life? Because if it was I would ask each of the people I love and respect to sing me their favourite tune and I'd make an album out of that!
Nick: Does that include Greatest Hits Albums?!! - Probably Pink Floyd 'Dark Side Of The Moon' - that would be a fucking depressing life!

Thanks to Angela Owen for organising this interview with the band and thank you to Tarin and Nick for the answers! If any other bands want to organise an interview on this blog please contact me through my email which is and I'll send you the questions. 
Hope you enjoyed this blog post, 

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