Thursday, 23 July 2015

Wolfgange Online Interview

Hey all,
I got contacted by Kristian of the band Wolf Gange for an interview. First off, thanks to Kris for contacting me and if other bands are interested in contacting me my details will be below this interview. Here's what Kris had to say about the beginnings of Wolf Gange, how he thinks the band has plenty of potential to develop and what their plans are for the rest of the year. Here's the answers to the questions that I asked him:

How did you guys meet one another?

The band has gone through a whole load of line up changes, and the only one who has been in every one is me, Kristian. One of our bassists, Joss, left, and I talked to Robert, who had recently joined the same school as me, and he agreed to play bass, and to sing. And I met Morgan on Facebook, just asking in general if anyone can play guitar and would be willing to play in a band, as we had lost both our guitarists and were having real problems finding a reliable replacement. HE seemed perfect fort he job, and could really play, from what we could see. We also have a keyboardist, whom we've been friends with for a while.

How was the band name created? 

We were called Rommel. after a German WWII leader, but I decided to change the name to 'Wolfgange', I guess just becasue it sounded cool, and it has ties to Germany, as well as the connotations of 'gang', and us being a band and all. There wasn't really too much thought put into it to be honest.

How would you describe the music that your band creates? 

Well, so far it's just really been Punk Rock, a quite basic and primal kind of sound. But we're not really sure about what changes are going to be made with our new guitarist, we're thinking of experimenting more with things like Metalcore.

What are some of the themes and messages that come across in your songs? 

Our songs mainly tend to deal with socio-political themes, we've got songs about oppression, political agendas, and even the Isreal-Palastine conflict. But, then again, we haven't got all that many songs, and with a new guitarist, who really knows what changes are going to be made?

What are your plans for 2015? 

We're probably gonna change our sound a bit, expand into fields anew. What with the improvement of our bassist's skills, he really want's to play some more complicated stuff, and we want to experiment with some more metal stuff, and even branch out what kind of songs we're covering. But, to be perfectly honest, we're not 100% sure where the rest of the year is going to take us, what with the  recent changes and turmoil the band hace experienced. But whatever happens, we're planning on staying together and just making music as well as we possibly can. 

Where can people find you on social media? 

Well, the band does have a Facebook page, a twitter page, youtube, and we have a website, with our videos and soundcloud recordings on. Just typing in 'Wolfgange' should lead you to any of them, even if you just type them into Google.

Finally, if there was only one album that you could listen to for the rest of your life which one would you choose and why?  

Kristian Krowley - I would have to go with Avenged Sevenfold's "City of Evil" as it really shows the amazing drumming skills of the late, Jimmy "The Rev" Don't forget some kick ass songs like Bat Country! 

Robert Williams - I would have to choose Rage Against The Machine's eponymous debut, to be honest. Those songs never get old, I could listen to those things endlessly. Hell, I could just listen to 'Killing In the Name Of' alone for the rest of my life. Everything about it is right, the bass line is  banging, the guitar solo's are great, the politics are spot on, and of course, there's the 'fuck you' bit right near the end. \Classic. Nothing betters it...

Wolf Gange's album link:!album/c1mkb

Thank you to both Kris and Robert for answering the questions. If any bands want to contact me in regards to an interview then just email me at or contact me on my Facebook page which is titled 'Music Onslaught'. I would love it if you would like the page too! 

Hope to hear from you soon, 

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