Thursday, 7 January 2016

Indigo Velvet Online Interview

Hi guys! I hope you're all doing well. Today I was lucky enough to get an interview with Indigo Velvet; probably one of the catchiest bands you'll hear all year. Learn more about them down below: 

How did you guys meet one another? 

We met through school and attending gigs growing up. Darren, Laurie and Jason were at the same school and Laurie met billy through going to local gigs. We've played music together for years and indigo velvet came about summer 2013, when we had so much free time to knuckle down and get it going. 

How was the band name created? 

There's lots of debate about this! Truth is, Laurie had the brains behind it. He had an Indigo coloured throw in his room, a velvet blazer and put the two together in a spur of the moment, indigo velvet. It's a good old tale for the grandkids. 

How would you describe the music your band creates? 

'Tropical pop' is the common label we get when we play our live shows. It's fun, energetic and catchy music that creates almost a careless desire to dance. It's music we have so much fun playing and hopefully that replicates during our live shows! 

What are some of the themes and messages that come across in your songs? 

To be honest, although our music is mostly about past experiences and being a typical teenage lad, the idea behind our music is that anyone can relate to it in whatever way they want. A song about an ex love can be interpreted as the struggle of having no clock in your rari' or even why you can call al al? 

What are your plans for 2016? 

A new release is first and foremost, but that's top top secret. We have a couple of shows out of Scotland which was our initial plan, and we hope to play as many festivals as possible. Mostly, just to keep making music and keep the momentum we gathered throughout 2015. We'll have a massive show in Edinburgh at some point which hopefully will be our biggest yet! 

Where can people find you on social media? 

We are on everything and actually pretty active on social media. So give us a follow and keep up to date, and see what Jason gets up too. Always a laugh. 


Finally, if there was only one album you could listen to for the rest of your life which one would you choose and why? 

Everyone has a different opinion. Based on current affairs of today's society, Justin biebers new album speaks on so many levels with us. Catchy tunes you can listen to in a taxi full blast. The guy needs to stop apologising though... 

Thank you to the guys from Indigo Velvet and definitely take the time to listen to their stuff! If any other bands would like to be featured on this blog then please email me at and I will post you these questions. 

Hope you enjoyed this blogpost, 

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