Sunday, 31 January 2016

Palms and Pelicans Online Interview

Hey guys. Hope your all doing well. Sorry there was no Top 5 songs blog post yesterday. There were 2 reasons for that. 1) was because I didn't have a Top 5 to begin with so I thought I could skip a week and 2) was because I became extremely busy with friends and just uni life in general. I'll try and get one to you next week but for now here's an interview with the lovely Palms and Pelicans. Hope you've had a great week and weekend and I look forward to all the interviews that should be coming up in the next week: 

How did you guys meet one another? 

 I've known Mattea my whole life as our parents were friends before we existed!
Mattea: So we met as dribbling babies haha. Darren was in my year at school and in the same Music class as me.
Daryl: I met everyone through my brother at the pub. Beer bonding.

How was the band name created? 
Jack: We came up with it on rare hot, summery day - it just popped up out of nowhere and it stuck.

How would you describe the music your band creates? 
Daryl: It's Dream-Pop..  and it has elements of all sorts - grunge, shoegaze and pop

What are some of the themes and messages that come across in your songs?
Jack: All sorts - things like insomnia, insecurities, bad dreams, escapism, love, desire.
Mattea: We've discovered it's actually incredibly hard to write a happy subject.. we never normally deliberately set out to write about anything in particular. Sometimes I don't even realise what a song is about until after its written. You kind of spill out emotions into lyrics and hope for the best!
What are your plans for 2016? 
Darren: We're heading up North in March to get our new music down in the studio, going on tour in the summer and we're releasing new music very soon.
Mattea: Our next single, 'Comfortable'  and the music video is out at the end of Feb and we're doing a big headline show in Southampton to follow it up.
Jack: We're excited! 2016 is looking good. Lots in the pipeline.

Where can people find you on social media?

Finally, if there was only one album you could listen to for the rest of your life which one would you choose and why? 

Jack: Nirvana - Nevermind. This was one of the first rock albums in my collection, influenced by my older cousin who seemed to have a good ear for music. Nothing compares to those melodies and crunchy grunge guitars. It's one of those albums that I re-visit often and am still blown away.
Mattea: The Stone Roses (self titled) because it's timeless and is just pure genius. Amazing melodies and perfect production. It honestly gets better with every listen and the songs still give me shivers. 
Daryl: Bon Iver (self titled). Captivating album start to finish. Justin Vernon's songwriting is incredible.
Darren: J Cole - The Sidelines Story. I love every single song on this album and there's some great old school, hip-hop drum beats which I like playing along to. 

Thank you to the band for answering my questions. If any other bands would like to be featured on this blog please email me at and I will send you the questions. Thank you again to Palms and Pelicans for answering the questions - definitely check this band out! 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, 

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