Saturday, 9 January 2016


Hello everyone,

Hope you're all having a great weekend. I've decided to create a new segment of the blog. This is to document what songs I've been loving in the past week and to show you guys what bands are out there. Just on a quick note, thank you to all the bands who agreed to having an interview and to be featured on this blog in the last week. It's been a pleasure to work with you all. If anyone else is interested for next week to be featured on the blog please email me at Anyway, enough with the babble talk and on with the music:

5) London Town - Ocasan 

This catchy tune will get you singing along. It definitely did with me! Great guitar riffs and memorable drumming patterns will make the song stick in your head for a long time.

Check the song out on the album 'Elixir' on spotify now:

4) Stand Up and Fight - She Pulled The Trigger 

Want some insanely catchy lyrics, great screaming and some music to pump you up? Well, SPTT have got all that with this song. There's never been a better song to sing to when you're angry at the world.

3) Life and Love - Last Chance City 

The Last Chance City boys have done it again with this track. If you love music that has a mix of rock and electronic throughout that you'll love. Definitely one to check out.

2) Socks and Sandals - Dutch Criminal Record

This has been a song that has been stuck on repeat for me. It's one of those ones where you could imagine listening to this on the beach hanging out with friends. Well, I have imagined this anyway. If you want something indie rock with a pop influence that will bring a bit of sunshine in your life definitely check this song out. 

Check out Socks and Sandals on their EP 'Mirage' here:

1) Small Talk - Indigo Velvet 

This is the song that I keep going back to listen to. If you want something to dance to then I would suggest that you give this little gem a listen to. Great guitar riffs and catchy lyrics; it'll be in your head for days afterwards. 

Check out their single 'Small Talk' over on spotify now:

I hope you all enjoyed this new segment of the blog. If you have any suggestions of songs I should listen to then don't hesitate to comment! 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, 

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